# Event Notifications - v3.1.11

# Overview

The Event Notification resource is used by a ASPSP to notify a TPP of an event.

This resource description should be read in conjunction with a compatible Real Time Event Notification Profile.

# Endpoints

An ASPSP will send event notifications to a TPP using the event-notification resource.

# Endpoints

Resource HTTP Operation Endpoint Mandatory ? Scope Grant Type Message Signing Idempotency Key Request Object Response Object
event-notification POST POST /event-notifications Optional n/a n/a Signed Request No OBEventNotification1


  • A TPP must make available an event notification endpoint to receive event notifications.
  • A TPP must acknowledge an event notification with a 202 HTTP response and include the provided x-fapi-interaction-id.

# POST /event-notifications

The API endpoint allows the ASPSP to send an event-notification resource to a TPP.

# Transport Level Security

TPP hosted endpoints must be protected using TLS 1.2, as per the FAPI R/W specification.

TPP hosted endpoints must be protected using a network certificate issued by a Trust Anchor supported by the ASPSP.

MA-TLS is not applicable to TPP hosted endpoints.

# Data Model

# Event Notification - Request

The OBEventNotification2 object will be used for a call to:

  • POST /event-notifications

Note, the OBEventNotification2 object is aligned with the Security Event Token (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8417). It acts as a wrapper for events contained within the events claim.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

  • The rid, rty and rlk claims are prefixed with the OB namespace http://openbanking.org.uk in the data model. The namespace has been removed from the diagram for clarity.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBEventNotification2 OBEventNotification2 OBEventNotification2
iss 1..1 OBEventNotification2/iss Issuer. xs:anyURI
iat 1..1 OBEventNotification2/iat Issued At. xs:int
jti 1..1 OBEventNotification2/jti JWT ID. Max128Text
aud 1..1 OBEventNotification2/aud Audience. Max128Text
sub 1..1 OBEventNotification2/sub Subject. xs:anyURI
txn 1..1 OBEventNotification2/txn Transaction Identifier. Max128Text
toe 1..1 OBEventNotification2/toe Time of Event. xs:int
events 1..1 OBEventNotification2/events Events. OBEvent2
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update 0..1 OBEventNotification2/events/urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update Resource-Update Event. OBEventResourceUpdate2
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update 0..1 OBEventNotification2/events/urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update An event that indicates an account linked to a consent has move in/out of scope of the consent. OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked 0..1 OBEventNotification2/events/urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked An event that indicates a consent resource has had its authorisation revoked. OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1

# OBEventSubject1

This section describes the OBEventSubject1 class which is used in the OBEventResourceUpdate2, OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1 and OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1 classes.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

  • The rid, rty and rlk claims are prefixed with the OB namespace http://openbanking.org.uk in the data model. The namespace has been removed from the diagram for clarity.

  • The array of resource links (http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk) must contain links to all supported versions of the resource.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
OBEventSubject1 OBEventSubject1
subject_type 1..1 OBEventSubject1/subject_type Subject type for the updated resource. Max128Text http://openbanking.org.uk/rid_http://openbanking.org.uk/rty
http://openbanking.org.uk/rid 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rid Resource Id for the updated resource. Max128Text
http://openbanking.org.uk/rty 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rty Resource Type for the updated resource. Max128Text
http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk 1..n OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk Resource links to other available versions of the resource. OBEventLink1
version 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk/version Resource version. Max10Text
link 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk/link Resource link. xs:anyURI

# OBEventResourceUpdate2

This section describes the OBEventResourceUpdate2 class which is used in the OBEventNotification2 resource.

# UML Diagram


# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update An event that indicates a resource has been updated. OBEventResourceDescriptor1
subject 1..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update/subject The subject of the event. OBEventSubject1

# OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1

This section describes the OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1 class which is used in the OBEventNotification2 resource.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

For the OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1 object:

  • The subject claim must be populated if the Event Notification does not include a urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update event.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked An event that indicates a consent resource has had its authorisation revoked. OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1
reason 0..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked/reason Reason for the Consent Authorization Revoked event. OBExternalEventConsentAuthorizationRevokedReason1Code
subject 0..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked/subject The subject of the event. OBEventSubject1

# OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1

This section describes the OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1 class which is used in the OBEventNotification2 resource.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

For the OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate object:

  • The http://openbanking.org.uk/rty claim must be populated with "account-access-consent".

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update An event that indicates an account linked to a consent has move in/out of scope of the consent. OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1
reason 0..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update/reason Reason for the Account Access Consent Linked Account Update event. OBExternalEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdateReason1Code
subject 1..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update/subject The subject of the event. OBEventSubject1

# Event Notification Retry Policy


An ASPSP's Event Notification Retry Policy defines behaviour when an event notification is unacknowledged or the ASPSP receives a 5xx error.

  • An Event Notification Retry Policy must define an Exponential Backoff Policy to calculate the Retry Time Interval.
  • An Event Notification Retry Policy must define the Maximum Number of Retries an ASPSP will make before declaring the TPP Event Notification endpoint unresponsive and ceasing further attempts.
  • An Event Notification Retry Policy must define the Maximum Time Interval for Retries, after which an ASPSP will declare the TPP Event Notification endpoint unresponsive and cease further attempts.


A TPP may make GET requests for its resources if its /event-notifications endpoint was unavailable for the Maximum Time Interval for Retries, as defined in an ASPSP's Event Notification Retry Policy.

# Usage Examples

# Send Event Notification - Resource Update

# POST Event Notification Request

POST /event-notifications HTTP/1.1
x-fapi-interaction-id: 14ba1762-a316-4a87-8d6e-5bfbefaf01d7
Content-Type: application/jwt


Decoded JWT Body - Event Notification Payload

  "iss": "https://examplebank.com/",
  "iat": 1516239022,
  "jti": "b460a07c-4962-43d1-85ee-9dc10fbb8f6c",
  "sub": "https://examplebank.com/api/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/account-access-consents/aac-1234-007",
  "aud": "7umx5nTR33811QyQfi",
  "events": {
    "urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update": {
      "subject": {
        "subject_type": "http://openbanking.org.uk/rid_http://openbanking.org.uk/rty",
        "http://openbanking.org.uk/rid": "aac-1234-007",
        "http://openbanking.org.uk/rty": "account-access-consent",
        "http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk": [{
            "version": "v3.1",
            "link": "https://examplebank.com/api/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/account-access-consents/aac-1234-007"
  "txn": "dfc51628-3479-4b81-ad60-210b43d02306",
  "toe": 1516239022

# POST Event Notification Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
x-fapi-interaction-id: 14ba1762-a316-4a87-8d6e-5bfbefaf01d7

In case of Funds Confirmation Consent/Authorization revocation, the state of the Consent resource is updated. This triggers following two events:

  • consent-authorization-revoked and,
  • resource-update.

# POST Event Notification Request

POST /event-notifications HTTP/1.1
x-fapi-interaction-id: db54268f-2cc7-47e3-bf3c-4b5a7d08a614
Content-Type: application/jwt


Decoded JWT Body - Event Notification Payload

  "iss": "https://examplebank.com/",
  "iat": 1516239022,
  "jti": "b460a07c-4962-43d1-85ee-9dc10fbb8f6c",
  "sub": "https://examplebank.com/api/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/88379",
  "aud": "7umx5nTR33811QyQfi",
  "events": {
    "urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update": {
      "subject": {
        "subject_type": "http://openbanking.org.uk/rid_http://openbanking.org.uk/rty",
        "http://openbanking.org.uk/rid": "88379",
        "http://openbanking.org.uk/rty": "funds-confirmation-consents",
        "http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk": [
            "version": "v3.1",
            "link": "https://examplebank.com/api/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/88379"
    "urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked": {}
  "txn": "dfc51628-3479-4b81-ad60-210b43d02306",
  "toe": 1516239022

# POST Event Notification Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
x-fapi-interaction-id: db54268f-2cc7-47e3-bf3c-4b5a7d08a614

In case of Account Information Access/Authorization revocation, the state of the Consent resource is not updated. This triggers only one event for the underlying consent resource:

  • consent-authorization-revoked

# POST Event Notification Request

POST /event-notifications HTTP/1.1
x-fapi-interaction-id: db54268f-2cc7-47e3-bf3c-4b5a7d08a614
Content-Type: application/jwt


Decoded JWT Body - Event Notification Payload

	"iss": "https://examplebank.com/",
	"iat": 1516239022,
	"jti": "b460a07c-4962-43d1-85ee-9dc10fbb8f6c",
	"sub": "https://examplebank.com/api/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/account-access-consents/aac-1234-007",
	"aud": "7umx5nTR33811QyQfi",
	"events": {
		"urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked": {
			"subject": {
				"subject_type": "http://openbanking.org.uk/rid_http://openbanking.org.uk/rty",
				"http://openbanking.org.uk/rid": "aac-1234-007",
				"http://openbanking.org.uk/rty": "account-access-consents",
				"http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk": [{
						"version": "v3.1",
						"link": "https://examplebank.com/api/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/account-access-consents/aac-1234-007"
	"txn": "dfc51628-3479-4b81-ad60-210b43d02306",
	"toe": 1516239022

# POST Event Notification Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
x-fapi-interaction-id: db54268f-2cc7-47e3-bf3c-4b5a7d08a614