# Events - v3.1.11

# Overview

The Events resource is used by a TPP to retrieve multiple signed event notifications from an ASPSP.

This resource description should be read in conjunction with a compatible Aggregated Polling Profile.

# Endpoints

Resource HTTP Operation Endpoint Mandatory? Scope Grant Type Message Signing Idempotency Key Request Object Response Object
events POST POST /events Optional accounts payments fundsconfirmations Client Credentials N/A No OBEventPolling1 OBEventPollingResponse1

# POST /events

The endpoint allows a TPP to poll for and acknowledge and receive event notifications.

  • The POST method allows the TPP to transmit their polling parameters and event notification acknowledgements.
  • The ASPSP responds accordingly, sending event notifications as indicated by the TPPs polling parameters.

# Data Model

# Aggregated Polling - Request

The OBEventPolling1 will be used as the request payload for:

  • POST /events

# UML Diagram


# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBEventPolling1 1..1 OBEventPolling1 OBEventPolling1
maxEvents 0..1 OBEventPolling1/maxEvents Maximum number of events to be returned. A value of zero indicates the ASPSP should not return events even if available xs:int
returnImmediately 0..1 OBEventPolling1/returnImmediately Indicates whether an ASPSP should return a response immediately or provide a long poll xs:boolean
ack 0..n OBEventPolling1/ack An array of jti values indicating event notifications positively acknowledged by the TPP Max128Text
setErrs 0..1 OBEventPolling1/setErrs An object that encapsulates all negative acknowledgements transmitted by the TPP xs:anyType
<jti> 0..n OBEventPolling1/setErrs/<jti> A event notification error object entitled using the jti of the event notification OBEventError1
err 1..1 OBEventPolling1/setErrs/<jti>/err A value from the IANA "Security Event Token Delivery Error Codes" registry that identifies the error as defined here (opens new window) Max40Text
description 1..1 OBEventPolling1/setErrs/<jti>/description A human-readable string that provides additional diagnostic information Max256Text

# Aggregated Polling - Response

The OBEventPollingResponse1 will be used as the response payload for:

  • POST /events

# UML Diagram


# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBEventPollingResponse1 1..1 OBEventPollingResponse1 OBEventPollingResponse1
moreAvailable 1..1 OBEventPollingResponse1/moreAvailable A JSON boolean value that indicates if more unacknowledged event notifications are available to be returned. xs:boolean
sets 1..1 OBEventPollingResponse1/sets A JSON object that contains zero or more nested JSON attributes. If there are no outstanding event notifications to be transmitted, the JSON object SHALL be empty. xs:anyType
<jti> 0..n OBEventPollingResponse1/sets/<jti> An object named with the jti of the event notification to be delivered. The value is the event notification, expressed as a string. The payload of the event should be defined in the OBEventNotification2 format. xs:string

# OBEventNotification2

This section describes the OBEventNotification2 class which is used in the Real Time and Aggregated Event Notification API sub-specifications.

Note, the OBEventNotification2 object is aligned with the Security Event Token (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8417). It acts as a wrapper for events contained within the events claim.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

  • The rid, rty and rlk claims are prefixed with the OB namespace http://openbanking.org.uk in the data model. The namespace has been removed from the diagram for clarity.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBEventNotification2 OBEventNotification2 OBEventNotification2
iss 1..1 OBEventNotification2/iss Issuer. xs:anyURI
iat 1..1 OBEventNotification2/iat Issued At. xs:int
jti 1..1 OBEventNotification2/jti JWT ID. Max128Text
aud 1..1 OBEventNotification2/aud Audience. Max128Text
sub 1..1 OBEventNotification2/sub Subject. xs:anyURI
txn 1..1 OBEventNotification2/txn Transaction Identifier. A unique identifier for the transaction. ASPSPs may populate this field with the x-fapi-interaction-id of the api operation that lead to the change, or populate it with the same value as jti Max128Text
toe 1..1 OBEventNotification2/toe Time of Event. xs:int
events 1..1 OBEventNotification2/events Events. OBEvent2
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update 0..1 OBEventNotification2/events/urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update Resource-Update Event. OBEventResourceUpdate2
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update 0..1 OBEventNotification2/events/urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update An event that indicates an account linked to a consent has move in/out of scope of the consent. OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked 0..1 OBEventNotification2/events/urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked An event that indicates a consent resource has had its authorisation revoked. OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1

# OBEventSubject1

This section describes the OBEventSubject1 class which is used in the OBEventResourceUpdate2, OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1 and OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1 classes.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

  • The rid, rty and rlk claims are prefixed with the OB namespace http://openbanking.org.uk in the data model. The namespace has been removed from the diagram for clarity.

  • The array of resource links (http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk) must contain links to all supported versions of the resource.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
OBEventSubject1 OBEventSubject1
subject_type 1..1 OBEventSubject1/subject_type Subject type for the updated resource. Max128Text http://openbanking.org.uk/rid_http://openbanking.org.uk/rty
http://openbanking.org.uk/rid 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rid Resource Id for the updated resource. Max128Text
http://openbanking.org.uk/rty 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rty Resource Type for the updated resource. Max128Text
http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk 1..n OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk Resource links to other available versions of the resource. OBEventLink1
version 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk/version Resource version. Max10Text
link 1..1 OBEventSubject1/http://openbanking.org.uk/rlk/link Resource link. xs:anyURI

# OBEventResourceUpdate2

This section describes the OBEventResourceUpdate2 class which is used in the OBEventNotification2 resource.

# UML Diagram


# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update An event that indicates a resource has been updated. OBEventResourceDescriptor1
subject 1..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update/subject The subject of the event. OBEventSubject1

# OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1

This section describes the OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1 class which is used in the OBEventNotification2 resource.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

For the OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1 object:

  • The subject claim must be populated if the Event Notification does not include a urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:resource-update event.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked An event that indicates a consent resource has had its authorisation revoked. OBEventConsentAuthorizationRevoked1
reason 0..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked/reason Reason for the Consent Authorization Revoked event. OBExternalEventConsentAuthorizationRevokedReason1Code
subject 0..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:consent-authorization-revoked/subject The subject of the event. OBEventSubject1

# OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1

This section describes the OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1 class which is used in the OBEventNotification2 resource.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

For the OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate object:

  • The http://openbanking.org.uk/rty claim must be populated with "account-access-consent".

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath Enhanced Definition Class Codes Pattern
urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update An event that indicates an account linked to a consent has move in/out of scope of the consent. OBEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdate1
reason 0..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update/reason Reason for the Account Access Consent Linked Account Update event. OBExternalEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdateReason1Code
subject 1..1 urn:uk:org:openbanking:events:account-access-consent-linked-account-update/subject The subject of the event. This indicates the account that has been updated. (The sub claim for the event should be used to indicate the affected account-access-consent) OBEventSubject1

# Usage Examples

Note for the sake of readability the SETs shown in examples are shorted.

# Poll Only

# POST Events Request

POST /events HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer 7b99f6c331e841dab811176e25d57ca7
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 1af4c0e6b5da49f6b1aebf439e87c199
  "returnImmediately": true

# POST Events Response

POST /events HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 1af4c0e6b5da49f6b1aebf439e87c199
  "sets": {
    "b6a68c1db7fc4c178fd7d8a41b9ef85c": "eyJhbG...NEysZ4",
    "2644f8cbc8294325ad103ddfc4a5b15d": "eyJhbG...Qssw5c",
    "1fd954d5fb964afb97deee232bb88d1f": "eyJhbG...9kogfI"
  "moreAvailable": false

# Acknowledge Only

# POST Events Request

POST /events HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer 7b99f6c331e841dab811176e25d57ca7
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 295f6c6c7b2045b2a3e91e4f1c31d681
  "maxEvents": 0,
  "ack": [ "b6a68c1db7fc4c178fd7d8a41b9ef85c" ]

# POST Events Response

POST /events HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 295f6c6c7b2045b2a3e91e4f1c31d681
  "sets": { }

# Poll and Acknowledge With Errors

# POST Events Request

POST /events HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer 7b99f6c331e841dab811176e25d57ca7
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 3fc0df586e45404abd5bbf1b23ce343d
  "returnImmediately": true,
  "maxEvents": 1,
  "ack": [ "2644f8cbc8294325ad103ddfc4a5b15d" ],
  "setErrs": {
    "1fd954d5fb964afb97deee232bb88d1f": {
      "err": "jwtIss",
      "description": "Issuer is invalid or could not be verified"

# POST Events Response

POST /events HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 3fc0df586e45404abd5bbf1b23ce343d
  "sets": {
    "25fd4432da4e4e609033a733aea68a54": "eyJhbG...8o8PLY"
  "moreAvailable": true