# Namespaced Enumerations - v3.1.11

# Overview

The specification defines certain fields with only a fixed set of possible values as enumerations, and further additions to possible values require a Specification change.

As part of Version 3 Open Banking Specifications defined new custom Data Types, which are an extendable list of enumerated values. Any extensions to this standard list of values can be done by the ASPSPs, with relevant documentation on their Developer Portals.

The extendable Data Type values are namespaced, to help identify the issuer of the value, and the relevant value.

# Basics

These Data Types, in general, are called namespaced enumerations.

Specific API Data Dictionary will define a custom Data Type class, which will help lookup the OBL defined standard set of namespaced enumerations in this specification page as well as respective swagger files.

The namespaced enumeration values specified by Open Banking are documented here and will be prefixed by UK.OBIE.

# Design Principles

When extending a namespaced enumeration:

  • ASPSPs must not publish an ASPSP-specific enumerated value where a generic OBL defined enumerated value may be used.
  • ASPSPs must place such values in a namespace consisting of their two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code), followed by a full-stop, followed by their name. e.g.
    • UK.Barclays.PingIt
    • KE.Safaricom.M-Pesa

# Release Management

Usage of non-namespaced values may be discontinued in a future version of this standard.

As a special case and in order to minimise disruption between versions of the standard, a TPP may specify previous non-namespaces values, e.g. IBAN instead of UK.OBIE.IBAN.

In ASPSP generated responses, however, an ASPSP must always respond with fully namespaced values.

# Common Namespaced Enumerations

The following namespaced enumerations are used across all the standards.

# OBExternalAccountIdentification4Code

This is Data Type for Account/SchemeName and used to identify the type of Identification used to identify an account.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.BBAN Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) - identifier used nationally by financial institutions, ie, in individual countries, generally as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s), to uniquely identify the account of a customer.
UK.OBIE.IBAN An identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer at a financial institution, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 13616. "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)".
UK.OBIE.PAN Primary Account Number - identifier scheme used to identify a card account.
UK.OBIE.Paym Paym Scheme to make payments via mobile
UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber Sort Code and Account Number - identifier scheme used in the UK by financial institutions to identify the account of a customer. The identifier is the concatenation of the 6 digit UK sort code and 8 digit account number.
The regular expression for this identifier is: ^[0-9]{6}[0-9]{8}$
UK.OBIE.Wallet A primary and unique account identifier used to identify a wallet.
An ASPSP must document on their developer portal, the payment methods that supports this account identifier.

# OBExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification4Code

This is the Data Type for Agent/SchemeName and used to identify the type of Identification used to identify an agent.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.BICFI Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the BIC directory, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.
UK.OBIE.NCC.[ISO3166-aplha2-CountryCode] Valid NCC (National Clearing Code) as an option for the accounts that don't have an IBAN, registered in the country identified by the 2 letter ISO-3166 Country code. For example, transfer to India may have Scheme Name as UK.OBIE.NCC.IN and Identification can be the IFSC code of the bank/branch in India.

# OBErrorResponseError1Code

This is Data Type gives a low level textual error code to help categorise an error response. The applicable HTTP response code is also given.

Code HTTP Status Category Description
UK.OBIE.Field.Expected 400 For the scenario, when a field-value is not provided in the payload, that is expected in combination with preceding field-value pairs.

The corresponding path must be populated with the path of the unexpected field.


ExchangeRate must be specified with Agreed RateType. ExchangeRate should be specified in the path element.

InstructionPriority must be specified with Agreed RateType. InstructionPriority should be specified in the path element.
UK.OBIE.Field.Invalid 400 An invalid value is supplied in one of the fields, or the length of value supplied is larger than the corresponding maximum field length in ASPSP's domain. Reference of the invalid field should be provided in the path field, and the URL field may have the link to a website explaining the valid behaviour. The error message should describe the problem in detail.
UK.OBIE.Field.InvalidDate 400 An invalid date is supplied e.g. when a future date is expected, a date in past or current date is supplied. The message can specify the actual problem with the date. The reference of the invalid field should be provided in the path field, and URL field may have the link to a website explaining the valid behaviour
UK.OBIE.Field.Missing 400 A mandatory field, required for the API, is missing from the payload. This error code can be used, if it is not already captured under the validation for UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidFormat.

Reference of the missing field should be provided in the path field, and URL field may have the link to a website explaining the valid behaviour
UK.OBIE.Field.Unexpected 400 For the scenario, when a field-value is provided in the payload, that is not expected in combination with preceding field-value pairs. E.g.

ContractIdentification must not be specified with [Actual/Indicative] RateType.

ContractIdentification should be specified in the path element ExchangeRate must not be specified with [Actual/Indicative] RateType.

ExchangeRate should be specified in the path element.

InstructionPriority must not be specified with LocalInstrument. InstructionPriority should be specified in the path element.
UK.OBIE.Header.Invalid 400 An invalid value is supplied in the HTTP header. The HTTP Header should be specified in the path element.
UK.OBIE.Header.Missing 400 A required HTTP header has not been provided. The HTTP Header should be specified in the path element.
UK.OBIE.Resource.ConsentMismatch 400 {payment-order-consent} and {payment-order} resource mismatch. For example, if an element in the resource’s Initiation or Risk section does not match the consent section. The path element should be populated with the field of the resource that does not match the consent.
UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidConsentStatus 400 The resource’s associated consent is not in a status that would allow the resource to be created, or a request to be executed.

E.g., if a consent resource had a status of AwaitingAuthorisation or Rejected, a resource could not be created against this consent.

The path element should be populated with the field in the consent resource that is invalid.
UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidFormat 400 When the Payload schema does not match to the endpoint, e.g., /domestic-payments endpoint is called with a JSON Payload, which cannot be parsed into a class such as OBWriteDomestic1
UK.OBIE.Resource.NotFound 400 Returned when a resource with the specified Id does not exist (and hence could not be operated upon).
UK.OBIE.Rules.AfterCutOffDateTime 400 {payment-order} consent / resource received after CutOffDateTime
UK.OBIE.Rules.DuplicateReference 400 A duplicate reference has been used for a CBPII confirmation of funds request.
UK.OBIE.Rules.FailsControlParameters 400 A payment breaches a limitation set by one or more ControlParameters.
UK.OBIE.Signature.Invalid 400 The signature header x-jws-signature was parsed and has a valid JOSE header that complies with the specification. However, the signature itself could not be verified.
UK.OBIE.Signature.InvalidClaim 400 The JOSE header in the x-jws-signature has one or more claims with an invalid value. (e.g. a kid that does not resolve to a valid certificate). The name of the missing claim should be specified in the path field of the error response.
UK.OBIE.Signature.MissingClaim 400 The JOSE header in the x-jws-signature has one or more mandatory claim(s) that are not specified. The name of the missing claim(s) should be specified in the path field of the error response.
UK.OBIE.Signature.Malformed 400 The x-jws-signature in the request header was malformed and could not be parsed as a valid JWS.
UK.OBIE.Signature.Missing 400 The API request expected an x-jws-signature in the header, but it was missing.
UK.OBIE.Signature.Unexpected 400 The API request was not expecting to receive an x-jws-signature in the header, but the TPP made a request that included an x-jws-signature.
UK.OBIE.Unsupported.AccountIdentifier 400 The account identifier is unsupported for the given scheme.

The path element should be populated with the path of the AccountIdentifier.
UK.OBIE.Unsupported.AccountSecondaryIdentifier 400 The account secondary identifier is unsupported for the given scheme.

The path element should be populated with the path of the AccountSecondaryIdentifier.
UK.OBIE.Unsupported.Currency 400 The currency is not supported. Use UK.OBIE.Field.Invalid for invalid Currency.

The path element should be populated with the path of the Currency.

The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported currencies.
UK.OBIE.Unsupported.EventType 400 Event Type is not supported.

The path element should be populated with the path of the EventType.

The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported Event Types.
UK.OBIE.Unsupported.Frequency 400 Frequency is not supported.

The path element should be populated with the path of the Frequency.

The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported frequencies.
UK.OBIE.Unsupported.LocalInstrument 400 LocalInstrument is not supported by the ASPSP.

The path element should be populated with the path of the LocalInstrument.

The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported local instruments.
UK.OBIE.Unsupported.Scheme 400 Identification scheme is not supported. The path element should be populated with the path of the scheme. The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported schemes.
UK.OBIE.Reauthenticate 403 The ASPSP must use this error code in Error Response to indicate that re-authentication by the PSU is required to process the request.
UK.OBIE.Rules.ResourceAlreadyExists 409 The ASPSP must use this error code in Error Response, to indicate that a resource with same parameters already exists, or in a state that doesn't allow requested operation.
UK.OBIE.UnexpectedError 5xx An error code that can be used, when an unexpected error occurs.

The ASPSP must populate the message with a meaningful error description, without revealing sensitive information.

# OBExternalBalanceSubType1Code

Default if not specified is BaseCurrency of the account.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.BaseCurrency Balance representing the amount in the base accounting currency.
UK.OBIE.LocalCurrency Balance representing the amount in the local market currency for which the asset is held.

# Account and Transaction API Namespaced Enumerations

# OBExternalStatementAmountType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.ArrearsClosingBalance The balance that is in arrears at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.AvailableBalance The available balance is the difference between the credit limit and the account balance – how much is available to spend.
UK.OBIE.AverageBalanceWhenInCredit The average daily balance when the account is in credit during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.AverageBalanceWhenInDebit The average daily balance when the account is in debit during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.AverageDailyBalance The average daily balance during the statement period. An average daily balance adds the closing balances at the end of each day in a given period of time and divides the sum by the number of calendar days in that period.
UK.OBIE.BalanceTransferClosingBalance The component of balance that relates to balance transfers at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.CashClosingBalance The component of balance that relates to cash at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.ClosingBalance The ending balance or closing balance at the end of the current statement period.
UK.OBIE.CreditLimit The credit limit is the total amount of credit available to a borrower, including any amount already borrowed.
UK.OBIE.CurrentPayment The total payments received since the last period.
UK.OBIE.DirectDebitPaymentDue The total direct debit payments due for current statement period.
UK.OBIE.FSCSInsurance The amount under which the FSCS scheme will protect consumers when authorised financial services firms fail.
UK.OBIE.MinimumPaymentDue The minimum payment required for the current statement period.
UK.OBIE.PendingTransactionsBalance The total pending transactions balance at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.PreviousClosingBalance The closing balance of the previous statement.
UK.OBIE.PreviousPayment The previous payment amount in the last statement period.
UK.OBIE.PurchaseClosingBalance The component of balance that relates to purchases at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.StartingBalance The new balance or starting balance carried forward since last statement period.
UK.OBIE.TotalAdjustments Total adjustments to the account during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.TotalCashAdvances A cash advance is a short-term loan from a bank or alternative lender. The term also refers to a service provided by many credit card issuers allowing cardholders to withdraw a certain amount of cash.
UK.OBIE.TotalCharges The total charges including interest, late payment fee during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.TotalCredits Total amount credited in the account during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.TotalDebits Total amount debited (money taken out from account) from the account during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.TotalPurchases The total transactions made during that statement period.

# OBExternalStatementBenefitType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.Cashback Cash back amount received during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.Insurance Insurance amount during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.TravelDiscount Travel discount amount received during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.TravelInsurance Travel insurance amount during the statement period.

# OBExternalStatementDateTimeType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.BalanceTransferPromoEnd The date the balance transfer promo rate will end.
UK.OBIE.DirectDebitDue The date that the direct debit payment is due for the current statement.
UK.OBIE.LastPayment The date that an account holder must make the payment for the previous statement period.
UK.OBIE.LastStatement The date on which the last statement was made available to account holder.
UK.OBIE.NextStatement The date on which the next statement will be made available to account holder.
UK.OBIE.PaymentDue The date that an account holder must make the payment for the current statement period.
UK.OBIE.PurchasePromoEnd The date the purchase promo rate will end.
UK.OBIE.StatementAvailable The date on which the current statement was made available to account holder.

# OBExternalStatementFeeType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.Annual Annual fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer Balance transfer fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.CashAdvance Cash advance fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.CashTransaction Cash transaction fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.ForeignCashTransaction Foreign cash transaction fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.ForeignTransaction Foreign transaction fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.Gambling Gambling transaction fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.LatePayment Late payment fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.MoneyTransfer Money transfer fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.Monthly Monthly account fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.Overlimit Over limit fees charged during the statement period..
UK.OBIE.PostalOrder Postal order fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.PrizeEntry Prize entry fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.StatementCopy Statement copy fees charged during the statement period.
UK.OBIE.Total Total fees charges during the statement period.

# OBExternalStatementInterestType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer Interest on balance transfers.
UK.OBIE.Cash Interest on cash advances.
UK.OBIE.EstimatedNext The estimated interest that will be charged if the closing balance is not paid in full.
UK.OBIE.Purchase Interest on purchases.
UK.OBIE.Total Total interest charges during the statement period.

# OBExternalStatementRateType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.AnnualBalanceTransfer Annual interest rate charged on balance transfer from other service provider.
UK.OBIE.AnnualBalanceTransferAfterPromo Annual interest rate charged on balance transfer from other service provider after promotional period.
UK.OBIE.AnnualBalanceTransferPromo Annual interest rate charged on balance transfer from other service provider during promotional period.
UK.OBIE.AnnualCash Annual interest rate charged on cash advance.
UK.OBIE.AnnualPurchase Annual interest rate charged on purchases.
UK.OBIE.AnnualPurchaseAfterPromo Annual interest rate charged on purchases from after promotional period.
UK.OBIE.AnnualPurchasePromo Annual interest rate charged on purchases from during promotional period.
UK.OBIE.MonthlyBalanceTransfer Monthly interest rate charged on balance transfer from other service provider.
UK.OBIE.MonthlyCash Monthly interest rate charged on cash advance.
UK.OBIE.MonthlyPurchase Monthly interest rate charged on purchases.

# OBExternalStatementValueType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.AirMilesPoints Air miles points at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.AirMilesPointsBalance Air miles points at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.Credits Total number of credits in statement period.
UK.OBIE.Debits Total number of debits in statement period.
UK.OBIE.HotelPoints Hotel points at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.HotelPointsBalance Hotel points at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.RetailShoppingPoints Retail shopping points at the end of the statement period.
UK.OBIE.RetailShoppingPointsBalance Retail shopping points at the end of the statement period.

# OBExternalStatementFeeRateType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.AER The annual equivalent rate (AER) is interest that is calculated under the assumption that any interest paid is combined with the original balance and the next interest payment will be based on the slightly higher account balance. Overall, this means that interest can be compounded several times in a year depending on the number of times that interest payments are made.
UK.OBIE.EAR EAR means Effective Annual Rate and/or Equivalent Annual Rate (frequently used interchangeably), being the actual annual interest rate of an Overdraft.

# OBExternalStatementFeeFrequency1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.ChargingPeriod This fee is triggered at the end of each charging period.
UK.OBIE.PerTransactionAmount The amount stated is levied for each transaction processed.
UK.OBIE.PerTransactionPercentage The fee amount is the given percentage of the transaction processed and is levied for each transaction.
UK.OBIE.StatementMonthly This fee is triggered based on a monthly statement period.
UK.OBIE.Quarterly This fee is triggered at the end of every quarter.
UK.OBIE.Weekly The fee is triggered weekly.

# OBExternalStatementInterestRateType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.BOEBaseRate Interest rate shown is linked to the Bank of England Base Rate shown at http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/Pages/home.aspx. Typically defined as a % above the 'Current Bank Rate', but may also be below or equal to bank rate for certain Loan products.
UK.OBIE.FixedRate Fixed rate.
UK.OBIE.Gross Interest rate shown is before any tax deducted.
UK.OBIE.LoanProviderBaseRate Loan provider base rate.
UK.OBIE.Net Interest rate shown is after tax is deducted.

# OBExternalStatementInterestFrequency1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.Daily Calculated and/or applied daily.
UK.OBIE.HalfYearly Calculated and/or applied half yearly.
UK.OBIE.Monthly Calculated and/or applied monthly.
UK.OBIE.PerStatementDate Calculated and/or applied on the statement date.
UK.OBIE.Quarterly This fee is triggered at the end of every quarter.
UK.OBIE.Weekly The fee is triggered weekly.
UK.OBIE.Yearly Calculated and/or applied annually.

# OBExternalLegalStructureType1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.Individual Individual
UK.OBIE.CIC Community Interest Company
UK.OBIE.CIO Charitable Incorporated Organisation
UK.OBIE.CoOp Co-operative
UK.OBIE.Charity Charity
UK.OBIE.GeneralPartnership General Partnership
UK.OBIE.LimitedLiabilityPartnership Limited Liability Partnership
UK.OBIE.ScottishLimitedPartnership Scottish Limited Partnership
UK.OBIE.LimitedPartnership Limited Partnership
UK.OBIE.PrivateLimitedCompany Private Limited Company
UK.OBIE.PublicLimitedCompany Public Limited Company
UK.OBIE.Sole Sole (sole trader)

# OBExternalAccountRole1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.Principal Principal
UK.OBIE.SecondaryOwner Secondary owner
UK.OBIE.Beneficiary Beneficiary
UK.OBIE.PowerOfAttorney Power of attorney
UK.OBIE.LegalGuardian Legal guardian
UK.OBIE.CustodianForMinor Custodian for minor
UK.OBIE.SuccessorOnDeath Successor on death
UK.OBIE.Administrator Administrator
UK.OBIE.OtherParty Other party
UK.OBIE.Granter Granter
UK.OBIE.Settlor Settlor
UK.OBIE.SeniorManagingOfficial Senior managing official
UK.OBIE.Protector Protector
UK.OBIE.RegisteredShareholderName Registered shareholder name

# OBExternalSwitchStatusCode

Code Description
UK.CASS.NotSwitched Indicator to show that the account has not been switched to another ASPSP
UK.CASS.SwitchCompleted Indicator to show that the account has been switched and the switching process is complete

# OBExternalDirectDebitFrequency1Code

Code Description
UK.OBIE.Monthly Monthly
UK.OBIE.Quarterly Quarterly
UK.OBIE.HalfYearly Half-yearly
UK.OBIE.Weekly Weekly
UK.OBIE.Annual Annual
UK.OBIE.Fortnightly Fortnightly
UK.OBIE.Daily Daily
UK.OBIE.NotKnown Not Known

# Payment Initiation API Namespaced Enumerations

# OBExternalLocalInstrument1Code


This field is used to indicate the ASPSP's payment service to be used for making a payment.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.BACS Back Payment Scheme
UK.OBIE.FPS Faster Payment Scheme
UK.OBIE.SWIFT Swift Payment Service
UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer To indicate Balance Transfer
UK.OBIE.MoneyTransfer To Indicate Money Transfer
UK.OBIE.Paym Paym Payment
UK.OBIE.Euro1 To use Euro1 Payment System
UK.OBIE.SEPACreditTransfer To indicate SEPA Credit Transfer payment service
UK.OBIE.SEPAInstantCreditTransfer To indicate SEPA Instant Credit Transfer payment service
UK.OBIE.Link To indicate Link payment service
UK.OBIE.Target2 To indicate Target2 payment service

# OBExternalPaymentChargeType1Code


This field is used to indicate the type of fee/charge to be applied to the payment-order.

The enumerated values specified by Open Banking align with the OBL Open Data Standard.

This enumeration consists of a subset of the fees and charges identified in the Open Data Standard. The subset is limited to fees and charges associated with payments.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.CHAPSOut CHAPS Payment Service fee
UK.OBIE.BalanceTransferOut Balance Transfer Service fee
UK.OBIE.MoneyTransferOut Money Transfer Service fee

# OBExternalFileType1Code


This field is used to indicate the file-type that is being submitted as part of a file-payment payload.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.pain.001.001.08 This is specified when a fully compliant pain.001 XML file is staged for the payment initiation.
UK.OBIE.PaymentInitiation.4.0 This is specified when an array of payments, which are compliant with the OBL Initiation objects in the v4.0 standard, are staged in a .json file for the payment initiation.

# Confirmation of Funds API Namespaced Enumerations


# Event Notification API Namespaced Enumerations

# OBEventType1Code


This field is used to indicate the event types a TPP would like to subscribe to as part of the callback-urls payload.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.Resource-Update An event that indicates a resource has been updated.
UK.OBIE.Consent-Authorization-Revoked An event that indicates a consent resource has had its authorisation revoked. (left for backward compatibility)
UK.OBIE.Consent-Access-Revoked An event that indicates a consent has its underlying access revoked. The consent itself remains in authorised state.
UK.OBIE.Account-Access-Consent-Linked-Account-Update An event that indicates an account linked to a consent has move in/out of scope of the consent.

# OBExternalEventConsentAuthorizationRevokedReason1Code


This field is used to indicate the reason associated with a Consent Authorization Revoked event.

No UK.OBIE codes have been defined for this event.

# OBExternalEventAccountAccessConsentLinkedAccountUpdateReason1Code


This field is used to indicate the reason associated with an Account Access Consent Linked Account Update event.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.AccountClosure An account is no longer associated with the consent as it has been closed.
UK.OBIE.CASS An account is no longer associated with the consent as it has been switched (using the Current Account Switch Service) to another ASPSP.

# Variable Recurring Payments Namespaced Enumerations

# OBVRPConsentType


The types of payments that can be made under a VRP consent. This can be used to indicate whether this include sweeping payment or other ecommerce payments.

Code Description
UK.OBIE.VRPType.Sweeping Limited to sweeping payments as per definition of sweeping in proposition paper
UK.OBIE.VRPType.Other Variable recurring payment that does not meet definition of sweeping

# OBVRPAuthenticationMethods


Indicates a PSU authentication methods supported or used

Code Description
UK.OBIE.SCA Authentication method where the consent is authorised through SCA.
UK.OBIE.SCANotRequired This indicates that the PSU does not need to authenticate for individual payments and the payments can be made without the PSU being present.

# OBVRPStatusReasonCode

Code Description
UK.OBIE.ExemptionNotApplied Reason when exemption could not applied for the status of a VRP.
UK.OBIE.OtherReason The OtherReason only in scenarios where the actual reason cannot be determined or disclosed.

Note: ASPSPs may define enumerations that are more appropriate and document in the Developer Portal.