# Balances - v3.1.11

# Overview

The balances resource is used by an AISP to retrieve in bulk or single account balance information for a specific AccountId for that the PSU has authorised to access.

This resource description should be read in conjunction with a compatible Account Information Services API Profile.

# Endpoints

Resource HTTP Operation Endpoint Mandatory? Scope Grant Type Idempotency Key Parameters Request Object Response Object
1 balances GET GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances Mandatory accounts Authorization Code Pagination OBReadBalance1
2 balances GET GET /balances Optional accounts Authorization Code Pagination OBReadBalance1

# GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances

An AISP may retrieve the account balance information resource for a specific AccountId (which is retrieved in the call to GET /accounts).

# GET /balances

If an ASPSP has implemented the bulk retrieval endpoints, an AISP may optionally retrieve the account information resources in bulk. This will retrieve the resources for all authorised accounts linked to the account-request.

# Data Model

The OBReadBalance1 object will be used for the call to:

  • GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances
  • GET /balances

# Resource Definition

This resource represents the net increases and decreases in an account (AccountId) at a specific point in time.

An account (AccountId) may have multiple balance types (these follow the standard ISO 20022 balance type enumerations). If an ASPSP includes a credit line in an available balance, then the balance representation will have a section for the credit line amount and type.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

  • Multiple balances may be returned (each with a different value for Type) for an account. This is for ASPSPs that show multiple balances in their online channels.
  • The CreditLine section may be repeated as multiple credit lines may be included in an available balance.
  • A DateTime element has been used instead of a complex choice element of Date and DateTime. Where time elements do not exist in ASPSP systems, the time portion of the DateTime element will be defaulted to 00:00:00+00:00.

# Permission Codes

The resource requires the ReadBalances permission. The resource response payload does not differ depending on the permissions granted.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBReadBalance1 OBReadBalance1 OBReadBalance1
Data 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data OBReadDataBalance1
Balance 1..n OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance Set of elements used to define the balance details. OBCashBalance1
AccountId 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/AccountId A unique and immutable identifier used to identify the account resource. This identifier has no meaning to the account owner. Max40Text
CreditDebitIndicator 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditDebitIndicator Indicates whether the balance is a credit or a debit balance. Usage: A zero balance is considered to be a credit balance. OBCreditDebitCode Credit Debit
Type 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/Type Balance type, in a coded form. OBBalanceType1Code ClosingAvailable ClosingBooked ClosingCleared Expected ForwardAvailable Information InterimAvailable InterimBooked InterimCleared OpeningAvailable OpeningBooked OpeningCleared PreviouslyClosedBooked
DateTime 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/DateTime Indicates the date (and time) of the balance. ISODateTime
Amount 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/Amount Amount of money of the cash balance. OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
Amount 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/Amount/Amount A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$
Currency 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/Amount/Currency A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode ^[A-Z]{3,3}$
SubType 0..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/Amount/SubType Balance sub type, in a coded form.
Default if not specified is BaseCurrency of the account
OBExternalBalanceSubType1Code BaseCurrency LocalCurrency
LocalAmount 0..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/LocalAmount Optional component providing the equivalent of Amount in local currency
Amount 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/LocalAmount/Amount A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$
Currency 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/LocalAmount/Amount/Currency A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode ^[A-Z]{3,3}$
SubType 0..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/LocalAmount/SubType Balance sub type, in a coded form.
Default if not specified is LocalCurrency of the account
OBExternalBalanceSubType1Code BaseCurrency LocalCurrency
CreditLine 0..n OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditLine Set of elements used to provide details on the credit line. OBCreditLine1
Included 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditLine/Included Indicates whether or not the credit line is included in the balance of the account. Usage: If not present, credit line is not included in the balance amount of the account. xs:boolean
Type 0..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditLine/Type Limit type, in a coded form. OBExternalLimitType1Code Available Credit Emergency Pre-Agreed Temporary
Amount 0..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditLine/Amount Amount of money of the credit line. OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
Amount 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditLine/Amount/Amount A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$
Currency 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/Balance/CreditLine/Amount/Currency A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode ^[A-Z]{3,3}$
TotalValue 0..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/TotalValue Combined sum of all Amounts in the accounts base currency.
Amount 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/TotalValue/Amount A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$
Currency 1..1 OBReadBalance1/Data/TotalValue/Currency A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode ^[A-Z]{3,3}$

# Usage Examples

# Bulk

# Get Balances Request

GET /balances HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Az90SAOJklae
x-fapi-auth-date:  Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 GMT
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json

# Get Balances Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
  "Data": {
    "Balance": [
        "AccountId": "22289",
        "Amount": {
          "Amount": "1230.00",
          "Currency": "GBP"
        "CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
        "Type": "InterimAvailable",
        "DateTime": "2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00",
        "CreditLine": [
            "Included": true,
            "Amount": {
              "Amount": "1000.00",
              "Currency": "GBP"
            "Type": "Temporary"
        "AccountId": "31820",
        "Amount": {
          "Amount": "57.36",
          "Currency": "GBP"
        "CreditDebitIndicator": "Debit",
        "Type": "InterimBooked",
        "DateTime": "2017-05-02T14:22:09+00:00"
  "Links": {
    "Self": "https://api.alphabank.com/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/balances/"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalPages": 1

# Specific Account with High Cost Credit Not Included in Balance and Account in Credit

# Get Account Balances Request

An account has a balance of 300 GBP with an arranged overdraft of 500 GBP none of which has been used.

GET /accounts/22289/balances HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Az90SAOJklae
x-fapi-auth-date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 GMT
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json

# Get Account Balances Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
  "Data": {
    "Balance": {
      "AccountId": "22289",
      "Amount": {
        "Amount": "300.00",
        "Currency": "GBP"
      "CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
      "Type": "InterimAvailable",
      "DateTime": "2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00",
      "CreditLine": [
          "Included": false,
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "500.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "Type": "Available"
          "Included": false,
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "500.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "Type": "Pre-Agreed"
  "Links": {
    "Self": "https://api.alphabank.com/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/22289/balances/"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalPages": 1

# Specific Account with Creditline Included in Balance and Account in Credit

# Get Account Balances Request

An account has a balance of 300 GBP with an temporary creditline of 500 GBP none of which has been used.

GET /accounts/22289/balances HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Az90SAOJklae
x-fapi-auth-date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 GMT
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json

# Get Account Balances Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
  "Data": {
    "Balance": {
      "AccountId": "22289",
      "Amount": {
        "Amount": "800.00",
        "Currency": "GBP"
      "CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
      "Type": "InterimAvailable",
      "DateTime": "2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00",
      "CreditLine": [
          "Included": false,
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "500.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "Type": "Available"
          "Included": true,
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "500.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "Type": "Temporary"
  "Links": {
    "Self": "https://api.alphabank.com/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/22289/balances/"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalPages": 1

# Specific Account with High Cost Credit not Included in Balance and Account in Debit

# Get Account Balances Request

If the account holder spends 400 GBP, then their account balance drops to 100 GBP (Debit) with a further 400 GBP available (if their pre-agreed overdraft remains unchanged at 500 GBP)

GET /accounts/22289/balances HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Az90SAOJklae
x-fapi-auth-date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 GMT
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json

# Get Account Balances Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
  "Data": {
    "Balance": {
      "AccountId": "22289",
      "Amount": {
        "Amount": "100.00",
        "Currency": "GBP"
      "CreditDebitIndicator": "Debit",
      "Type": "InterimAvailable",
      "DateTime": "2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00",
      "CreditLine": [
          "Included": false,
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "400.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "Type": "Available"
          "Included": false,
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "500.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "Type": "Pre-Agreed"
  "Links": {
    "Self": "https://api.alphabank.com/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/22289/balances/"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalPages": 1

# Wallet Account with multiple currencies

# Get Wallet Balances Request

If the account holder has 2 currencies under the wallet. Total value of all currencies in the wallet in local currency.

GET /accounts/22289/balances HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Az90SAOJklae
x-fapi-auth-date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 GMT
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json

# Get Wallet Balances Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
  "Data": {
    "Balance": {
      "AccountId": "22289",
      "Amount": {
        "Amount": "329.06",
        "Currency": "GBP",
        "SubType": "BaseCurrency"
      "LocalAmount": {
        "Amount": "400.00",
        "Currency": "USD",
        "SubType": "LocalCurrency"
      "CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
      "Type": "ClosingAvailable",
      "DateTime": "2023-04-05T10:43:07+00:00"
    "TotalValue": {
      "Amount": "720.39",
      "Currency": "GBP"
  "Links": {
    "Self": "https://api.alphabank.com/open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/22289/balances/"
  "Meta": {
    "TotalPages": 1