# Domestic Scheduled Payment Consents - v4.0

# Overview

The Domestic Scheduled Payment Consent resource is used by a PISP to register an intent to initiate a Domestic Scheduled Payment.

This resource description should be read in conjunction with a compatible Payment Initiation API Profile.

# Endpoints

Resource HTTP Operation Endpoint Mandatory ? Scope Grant Type Message Signing Idempotency Key Request Object Response Object
domestic-scheduled-payment-consents POST POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents Conditional payments Client Credentials Signed Request Signed Response Yes OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5
domestic-scheduled-payment-consents GET GET /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents/{ConsentId} Mandatory (if resource POST implemented) payments Client Credentials Signed Response No NA OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5

# POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents

The API endpoint allows the PISP to ask an ASPSP to create a new domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource.

  • The POST action indicates to the ASPSP that a domestic scheduled payment consent has been staged. At this point, the PSU may not have been identified by the ASPSP, and the request payload may not contain any information of the account that should be debited.
  • The endpoint allows the PISP to send a copy of the consent (between PSU and PISP) to the ASPSP for the PSU to authorise.
  • The ASPSP creates the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource and responds with a unique ConsentId to refer to the resource.

# Status

  • The default Status is "AWAU" immediately after the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent has been created.

# GET /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents/{ConsentId}

A PISP can optionally retrieve a payment consent resource that they have created to check its status.

# Status

Once the PSU authorises the payment-consent resource, the Status of the payment-consent resource will be updated with "AUTH".

If the PSU rejects the consent or the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent has failed some other ASPSP validation, the Status will be set to "RJCT".

Once a domestic-scheduled-payment has been successfully created using the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent, the Status of the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent will be set to "COND".

The available status codes for the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource are:


Refer to External_Internal_CodeSets (opens new window) -> OB_Internal_CodeSet -> OBExternalConsentProprietaryCode.

# State Model

The state model for the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource follows the generic consent state model.

State model

The definitions for the Status:

Status Status Description
1 AWAU The consent resource is awaiting PSU authorisation.
2 RJCT The consent resource has been rejected.
3 AUTH The consent resource has been successfully authorised.
4 COND The consented action has been successfully completed. This does not reflect the status of the consented action.

Changes to the Status, such as being rejected, should be captured in StatusReason, an array of StatusReasonCode, StatusReasonDescription and Path.

Field Description
StatusReasonCode Specifies the status reason in a code form. For a full description see OBExternalStatusReason1Code in OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window)
StatusReasonDescription Description of why the code was returned
Path Path is optional but relevant when the status reason refers to an object/field and hence conditional to provide JSON path.

# Data Model

The data dictionary section gives the detail on the payload content for the Domestic Scheduled Payment API flows.

# Reused Classes

# OBRemittanceInformation2

The OBRemittanceInformation2 class is defined in the payment-initiation-api-profile page.

# OBRegulatoryReporting1

The OBRegulatoryReporting1 class is defined in the payment-initiation-api-profile page

# OBUltimateCreditor1

The OBUltimateCreditor1 class is defined in the payment-initiation-api-profile page.

# OBUltimateDebtor1

The OBUltimateDebtor1 class is defined in the payment-initiation-api-profile page.

# OBPostalAddress7

The OBPostalAddress7 class is defined in the payment-initiation-api-profile page.

# OBDomesticScheduled2

This section describes the OBDomesticScheduled2 class which is reused as the Initiation object in the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource.

# UML Diagram


# Notes

For the OBDomesticScheduled2 Initiation object:

  • All elements in the Initiation payload that are specified by the PISP must not be changed via the ASPSP, as this is part of formal consent from the PSU.
  • If the ASPSP is able to establish a problem with payload or any contextual error during the API call, the ASPSP must reject the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent consent request immediately.
  • If the ASPSP establishes a problem with the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent after the API call, the ASPSP must set the Status of the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource to Rejected.
  • DebtorAccount is optional as the PISP may not know the account identification details for the PSU.
  • If the DebtorAccount is specified by the PISP and is invalid for the PSU, then the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent will be set to Rejected after PSU authentication. Account Identification field usage:
    • Where "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber" is specified as the SchemeName in the Account identification section (either DebtorAccount or CreditorAccount), the Identification field must be populated with the 6 digit Sort Code and 8 digit Account Number (a 14 digit field).
    • Where the "UK.OBIE.IBAN" is specified as the SchemeName in the Account identification section (either DebtorAccount or CreditorAccount), the Identification field must be populated with the full IBAN.
    • Neither the InstructionIdentification nor EndToEndIdentification will be used as the domestic-payment-consent resource identifier (ConsentId) as the ConsentId must be uniquely generated by the ASPSP.
  • Permission field is restricted to "Create", however, may be extended to "Update" and "Delete" in a future iteration of the specification.
  • LocalInstrument is the requested payment scheme for execution. This is a free-text field.
  • RequestedExecutionDateTime allows a PISP to specify the date for an ASPSP to execute the domestic scheduled payment.
# Data Dictionary
Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBDomesticScheduled2 OBDomesticScheduled2 The Initiation payload is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor for a single scheduled domestic payment. OBDomesticScheduled2
InstructionIdentification 1..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/InstructionIdentification Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction. Usage: the instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages related to the instruction. Max35Text
EndToEndIdentification 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/EndToEndIdentification Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction. This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain. Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the transaction. It can be included in several messages related to the transaction. OB: The Faster Payments Scheme can only access 31 characters for the EndToEndIdentification field. Max35Text
LocalInstrument 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/LocalInstrument User community specific instrument. Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level. For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window) OBInternalLocalInstrument1Code
RequestedExecutionDateTime 1..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/RequestedExecutionDateTime Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment. Usage: This is the date on which the debtor's account is to be debited. ISODateTime
InstructedAmount 1..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/InstructedAmount Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain. OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
Amount 1..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/InstructedAmount/Amount A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$
Currency 1..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/InstructedAmount/Currency A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode ^[A-Z]{3,3}$
DebtorAccount 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/DebtorAccount Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction.
UltimateDebtor 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/UltimateDebtor Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor. OBUltimateDebtor1
CreditorAccount 1..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/CreditorAccount Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be posted as a result of the payment transaction. OBCashAccountCreditor3
CreditorPostalAddress 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/CreditorPostalAddress Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. OBPostalAddress7
UltimateCreditor 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/UltimateCreditor Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due. OBUltimateCreditor1
RemittanceInformation 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/RemittanceInformation Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. OBRemittanceInformation2
RegulatoryReporting 0..10 OBDomesticScheduled2/RegulatoryReporting Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements. OBRegulatoryReporting1
SupplementaryData 0..1 OBDomesticScheduled2/SupplementaryData Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block. OBSupplementaryData1

The OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4 object will be used for the call to:

  • POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents

# UML Diagram

Domestic Scheduled Payment Consent - Request

# Notes

The domestic-scheduled-payment-consent request contains these objects:

  • Initiation
  • Authorisation
  • SCASupportData
  • Risk

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4
Data 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4/Data OBWriteDataDomesticScheduledConsent4
Permission 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4/Data/Permission Specifies the Open Banking service request types. For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window) OBInternalPermissions2Code
ReadRefundAccount 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4/Data/ReadRefundAccount Specifies to share the refund account details with PISP For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window). OBInternalReadRefundAccount1Code
Initiation 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4/Data/Initiation The Initiation payload is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor for a single scheduled domestic payment. OBDomesticScheduled2
Authorisation 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4/Data/Authorisation Type of authorisation flow requested. OBAuthorisation1
SCASupportData 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4/Data/SCASupportData Supporting Data provided by TPP, when requesting SCA Exemption. OBSCASupportData1
Risk 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsent4/Risk The Risk section is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to specify additional details for risk scoring for Payments. OBRisk1

The OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5 object will be used for a response to a call to:

  • POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents
  • GET /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents/{ConsentId}

# UML Diagram

Domestic Scheduled Payment Consent - Response

# Notes

The domestic-scheduled-payment-consent response contains the full original payload from the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent request with these additional elements:

  • ConsentId.
  • CreationDateTime the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource was created.
  • Status, StatusReason and StatusUpdateDateTime of the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource.
  • Permission field in the original request.
  • ReadRefundAccount field in the original request.
  • CutOffDateTime Behaviour is explained in the Payment Initiation API Profile, Section - Payment Restrictions -> CutOffDateTime Behaviour.
  • ExpectedExecutionDateTime for the domestic-scheduled-payment resource if created before CutOffDateTIme - the expected DateTime the payment is executed against the Debtor Account. If populated, the ASPSP must update the value with any changes (e.g., after PSU authorisation).
  • ExpectedSettlementDateTime for the domestic-scheduled-payment resource if created before CutOffDateTIme - the expected DateTime the payment will be received at the Creditor Account. If populated, the ASPSP must update the value with any changes (e.g., after PSU authorisation).
  • Charges array - for the breakdown of applicable ASPSP charges.
  • Post successful PSU Authentication, an ASPSP may provide Debtor/Name in the Payment Order Consent Response, even when the Payer didn't provide the Debtor Account via PISP.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5
Data 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data OBWriteDataDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5
ConsentId 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/ConsentId OB: Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the consent resource. Max128Text
CreationDateTime 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/CreationDateTime Date and time at which the resource was created. ISODateTime
Status 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/Status Specifies the status of consent resource in code form. For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window) OBInternalConsentStatus1Code
StatusReason 0..* OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/StatusReason Specifies the status reason. OBStatusReason
StatusReasonCode 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/StatusReason/StatusReasonCode Specifies the status reason in a code form. For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window) OBExternalStatusReason1Code
StatusReasonDescription 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/StatusReason/StatusReasonDescription Description supporting the StatusReasonCode. Max500Text
StatusUpdateDateTime 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/StatusUpdateDateTime Date and time at which the consent resource status was updated. ISODateTime
Permission 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/Permission Specifies the Open Banking service request types. For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window) OBInternalPermissions2Code
ReadRefundAccount 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/ReadRefundAccount Specifies to share the refund account details with PISP For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window). OBInternalReadRefundAccount1Code
CutOffDateTime 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/CutOffDateTime Specified cut-off date and time for the payment consent. ISODateTime
ExpectedExecutionDateTime 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/ExpectedExecutionDateTime Expected execution date and time for the payment resource. ISODateTime
ExpectedSettlementDateTime 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/ExpectedSettlementDateTime Expected settlement date and time for the payment resource. ISODateTime
Charges 0..* OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/Charges Set of elements used to provide details of a charge for the payment initiation. OBCharge2
Initiation 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/Initiation The Initiation payload is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor for a single scheduled domestic payment. OBDomesticScheduled2
Authorisation 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/Authorisation Type of authorisation flow requested. OBAuthorisation1
SCASupportData 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/SCASupportData Supporting Data provided by TPP, when requesting SCA Exemption. OBSCASupportData1
Debtor 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Data/Debtor Set of elements used to identify a person or an organisation. OBCashAccountDebtor4
Risk 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledConsentResponse5/Risk The Risk section is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to specify additional details for risk scoring for Payments. OBRisk1

# Usage Examples

# POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents Request
POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
x-idempotency-key: FRESCO.21302.GFX.20
x-fapi-auth-date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 GMT
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
  "Data": {
    "Authorisation": {
      "AuthorisationType": "Any", 
      "CompletionDateTime": "2025-05-30T10:35:27Z",
    "Permission": "Create",
    "ReadRefundAccount": "Yes",
    "Initiation": {
      "InstructionIdentification": "89f0a53a91ee47f6a383536f851d6b5a",
      "EndToEndIdentification": "FRESCO.21302.GFX.20",
      "LocalInstrument": "UK.OBIE.Paym",
      "RequestedExecutionDateTime": "2018-08-06T00:00:00+00:00",
      "InstructedAmount": {
        "Amount": "200.00",
        "Currency": "GBP"
      "DebtorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "11280001234567",
        "Name": "Andrea Frost",
        "Proxy": {
          "Identification": "+441632960540",
          "Code": "TELE",
          "Type": "Telephone"
      "CreditorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "08080021325698",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "08080021325641",
        "Name": "Tom Kirkman",
        "Proxy": {
          "Identification": "2360549017905188",
          "Code": "TELE",
          "Type": "Telephone"
        "AddressType": "BIZZ",
        "Department": "Finance",
        "SubDepartment": "Payroll",
        "StreetName": "Bank Street",
        "BuildingNumber": "11",
        "BuildingName": "Tower Bridges",
        "Floor": "6",
        "UnitNumber": "UNIT591",
        "Room": "844",
        "PostBox": "PO Box 123456",
        "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
        "TownName": "London",
        "DistrictName": "Greater London",
        "CareOf": "Ms Jane Smith",
        "CountrySubDivision": "England",
        "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateDebtor": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
        "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
        "Name": "Ultimate Debtor",
        "LEI": "8200007YHFDMEODY1965",
        "PostalAddress": {
            "AddressType": "BIZZ",
            "StreetName": "Bank Street",
            "BuildingNumber": "11",
            "Floor": "6",
            "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
            "TownName": "London",
            "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateCreditor": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
        "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
        "Name": "Ultimate Creditor",
        "LEI": "60450004FECVJV7YN339",
        "PostalAddress": {
            "AddressType": "BIZZ",
            "StreetName": "Bank Street",
            "BuildingNumber": "11",
            "Floor": "6",
            "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
            "TownName": "London",
            "Country": "UK"
      "RegulatoryReporting": [
            "DebitCreditReportingIndicator": "CRED",
            "Authority": {
              "Name": "string",
              "CountryCode": "UG"
            "Details": [
              "Type": "CRED",
              "Date": "2024-04-25T13:26:41.911Z",
              "Information": ["Reg info1", "Reg info2"],
              "Country": "QG",
              "Amount": {
                "Amount": "4.68702",
                "Currency": "JGM"
      "RemittanceInformation": {
          "Structured": [
              "ReferredDocumentInformation": [
                  "Code": "CINV",
                  "Issuer": "Issuer01",
                  "Number": "Number_01",
                  "RelatedDate": "2024-04-25T13:26:41.911Z",
                  "LineDetails": [
              "ReferredDocumentAmount": 1,
              "CreditorReferenceInformation": {
                "Code": "DISP",
                "Issuer": "Issuer01",
                "Reference": "REF_26518"
              "Invoicer": "INVR51856",
              "Invoicee": "INVE5161856",
              "TaxRemittance": "Tax Remittance related information",
              "AdditionalRemittanceInformation": ["Free text for additional information"],  
          "Unstructured": ["Internal ops code 5120101"]
  "SCASupportData": {
        "RequestedSCAExemptionType": "EcommerceGoods",
        "AppliedAuthenticationApproach": "SCA",
        "ReferencePaymentOrderId": "O-611265",
# POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
x-jws-signature: V2hhdCB3ZSBnb3QgaGVyZQ0K..aXMgZmFpbHVyZSB0byBjb21tdW5pY2F0ZQ0K
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
  "Data": {
    "ConsentId": "7290",
    "Permission": "Create",
    "ReadRefundAccount": "Yes",
    "Status": "AWAU",
    "CreationDateTime": "2018-05-05T15:15:13+00:00",
    "StatusUpdateDateTime": "2018-05-05T15:15:13+00:00",
    "CutOffTime": "2018-05-06T15:15:13+00:00",
    "ExpectedExecutionDateTime": "2018-06-05T15:15:22+00:00",
    "ExpectedSettlementDateTime": "2018-06-06T15:15:22+00:00",
    "Authorisation": {
      "AuthorisationType": "Any", 
      "CompletionDateTime": "2025-05-30T10:35:27Z",
    "StatusReason": {
      "StatusReasonCode": "U036", 
      "StatusReasonDescription":"Waiting for completion of consent authorisation to be completed by user",
      "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
      "Identification": "08080021325698",
      "Name": "ACME Inc",
      "SecondaryIdentification": "0002",
      "LEI": "8200007YHFDMEODY1965",
    "Charges": [{
       "ChargeBearer": "Shared",
       "Type": "UK.OBIE.CHAPSOut",
       "Amount"  {
        "Amount": "0.88",
        "Currency": "GBP"
    "Initiation": {
      "InstructionIdentification": "89f0a53a91ee47f6a383536f851d6b5a",
      "RequestedExecutionDateTime": "2018-08-06T00:00:00+00:00",
      "EndToEndIdentification": "FRESCO.21302.GFX.20",
      "LocalInstrument": "UK.OBIE.Paym",
      "InstructedAmount": {
        "Amount": "200.00",
        "Currency": "GBP"
      "DebtorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "11280001234567",
        "Name": "Andrea Frost",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "0002",
        "Proxy": {
          "Identification": "2360549017905188",
          "Code": "TELE",
          "Type": "Telephone"
      "CreditorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "08080021325698",
        "Name": "Tom Kirkman"
        "AddressType": "BIZZ",
        "Department": "Finance",
        "SubDepartment": "Payroll",
        "StreetName": "Bank Street",
        "BuildingNumber": "11",
        "BuildingName": "Tower Bridges",
        "Floor": "6",
        "UnitNumber": "UNIT591",
        "Room": "844",
        "PostBox": "PO Box 123456",
        "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
        "TownName": "London",
        "DistrictName": "Greater London",
        "CareOf": "Ms Jane Smith",
        "CountrySubDivision": "England",
        "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateDebtor": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
        "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
        "Name": "Ultimate Debtor",
        "LEI": "8200007YHFDMEODY1965",
        "PostalAddress": {
          "AddressType": "BIZZ",
          "StreetName": "Bank Street",
          "BuildingNumber": "11",
          "Floor": "6",
          "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
          "TownName": "London",
          "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateCreditor": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
        "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
        "Name": "Ultimate Creditor",
        "LEI": "60450004FECVJV7YN339",
        "PostalAddress": {
          "AddressType": "BIZZ",
          "StreetName": "Bank Street",
          "BuildingNumber": "11",
          "Floor": "6",
          "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
          "TownName": "London",
          "Country": "UK"
      "RegulatoryReporting": [{
            "DebitCreditReportingIndicator": "CRED",
            "Authority": {
              "Name": "string",
              "CountryCode": "UG"
            "Details": [{
              "Type": "CRED",
              "Date": "2024-04-25T13:26:41.911Z",
              "Information": ["Reg info1", "Reg info2"],
              "Country": "QG",
              "Amount": {
                "Amount": "4.68702",
                "Currency": "JGM"
      "Debtor": { 
        "Name": "D Jones",
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "08080021325698",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "0002",
        "LEI": "8200007YHFDMEODY1965",
     "RemittanceInformation": {
        "Structured": [
            "ReferredDocumentInformation": [
                "Code": "CINV",
                "Issuer": "Issuer01",
                "Number": "Number_01",
                "RelatedDate": "2024-04-25T13:26:41.911Z",
                "LineDetails": [
            "ReferredDocumentAmount": 1,
            "CreditorReferenceInformation": {
              "Code": "DISP",
              "Issuer": "Issuer01",
              "Reference": "REF_26518"
            "Invoicer": "INVR51856",
            "Invoicee": "INVE5161856",
            "TaxRemittance": "Tax Remittance related information",
            "AdditionalRemittanceInformation": ["Free text for additional information"],  
        "Unstructured": ["Internal ops code 5120101"]
  "SCASupportData": {
    "RequestedSCAExemptionType": "EcommerceGoods",
    "AppliedAuthenticationApproach": "SCA",
    "ReferencePaymentOrderId": "O-611265",
  "Risk": {
    "PaymentContextCode": "TransferToThirdParty",
    "PaymentContextCode": "EcommerceMerchantInitiatedPayment",
    "ContractPresentIndicator": false,
    "PaymentPurposeCode": "EPAY",
    "CategoryPurposeCode": "CASH", 
    "BeneficiaryPaymentDetailsPrepopulatedIndicator": false,
    "BeneficiaryAccountType": "Business",
    "MerchantCategoryCode": "7300", 
    "MerchantCustomerIdentification": "053598653254",
    "DeliveryAddress": {
      "AddressLine": [
        "Flat 7",
        "Acacia Lodge"
      "StreetName": "Acacia Avenue",
      "BuildingNumber": "27",
      "PostCode": "GU31 2ZZ",
      "TownName": "Sparsholt",
      "CountrySubDivision": "Wessex",
      "Country": "UK"
  "Links": {
    "Self": "https://api.alphabank.com/open-banking/v4.0/pisp/domestic-scheduled-payment-consents/7290"
  "Meta": {}