# Domestic Scheduled Payments - v4.0

# Overview

The Domestic Scheduled Payments resource is used by a PISP to initiate a Domestic Scheduled Payment.

This resource description should be read in conjunction with a compatible Payment Initiation API Profile.

# Endpoints

Resource HTTP Operation Endpoint Mandatory ? Scope Grant Type Message Signing Idempotency Key Request Object Response Object
domestic-scheduled-payments POST POST /domestic-scheduled-payments Conditional payments Authorization Code Signed Request Signed Response Yes OBWriteDomesticScheduled2 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5
domestic-scheduled-payments GET GET /domestic-scheduled-payments/{DomesticScheduledPaymentId} Mandatory (if resource POST implemented) payments Client Credentials Signed Response No NA OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5
payment-details GET GET /domestic-scheduled-payments/{DomesticScheduledPaymentId}/payment-details Optional payments Client Credentials Signed Response No NA OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1

# POST /domestic-scheduled-payments

Once the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent has been authorised by the PSU, the PISP can proceed to submitting the domestic-scheduled-payment for processing:

  • This is done by making a POST request to the domestic-scheduled-payments endpoint.
  • This request is an instruction to the ASPSP to begin the domestic scheduled payment journey. The PISP must submit the domestic scheduled payment immediately, however, there are some scenarios where the ASPSP may not warehouse the domestic scheduled payment immediately (e.g., busy periods at the ASPSP)
  • The PISP must ensure that the Initiation and Risk sections of the domestic-scheduled-payment match the corresponding Initiation and Risk sections of the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource. If the two do not match, the ASPSP must not process the request and must respond with a 400 (Bad Request).
  • Any operations on the domestic-scheduled-payment resource will not result in a Status change for the domestic-scheduled-payment resource.

# Status

A domestic-scheduled-payment can only be created if its corresponding domestic-scheduled-payment-consent resource has the Status of "AUTH".

The domestic-scheduled-payment resource that is created successfully must have one of the following initial status codes:


# GET /domestic-scheduled-payments/{DomesticScheduledPaymentId}

A PISP can retrieve the domestic-scheduled-payment to check its status.

# Status

The domestic-scheduled-payment resource must have one of the following status codes:


# GET /domestic-scheduled-payments/{DomesticScheduledPaymentId}/payment-details

A PISP can retrieve the Details of the underlying payment transaction via this endpoint. This resource allows ASPSPs to return richer list of Payment Statuses, and if available payment scheme related statuses.

# Status

The domestic-scheduled-payments - payment-details must have one of the following PaymentStatusCode code-set enumerations:


Refer to External_Internal_CodeSets (opens new window) -> ISO_External_CodeSet -> ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code.

# State Model

# Payment Order

The state model for the domestic-scheduled-payment resource describes the initiation and subsequent execution of the domestic-scheduled-payment.

Payment order state model key:

Colour (Style) Description
Green (Bold) Mandatory
Orange (Italic) Optional, but recommended

Payment Order Status

# Multiple Authorisation

If the payment-order requires multiple authorisations the status of the multiple authorisations will be updated in the MultiAuthorisation object.

Once the payment is RCVD, the domestic-scheduled-payment Status must be set to PATC and the MultiAuthorisation object status updated with the AWAF status. Once all authorisations have been successfully completed the MultiAuthorisation status must be set to AUTH and domestic-scheduled-payment Status updated to ACSP if any intermediate status are not supported.

Any rejections in the multiple authorisation process should result in the MultiAuthorisation status and Status being set to RJCT.

Multi Auth

Status Status Description
1 AWAF The payment-order resource is awaiting further authorisation.
2 RJCT The payment-order resource has been rejected.
3 AUTH The payment-order resource has been successfully authorised.

Refer to External_Internal_CodeSets (opens new window) -> OB_Internal_CodeSet -> OBInternalStatus2Code.

# Data Model

The data dictionary section gives the detail on the payload content for the Domestic Scheduled Payment API flows.

# Reused Classes

# OBDomesticScheduled2

The OBDomesticScheduled2 class is defined in the domestic-scheduled-payment-consents page.

# OBRemittanceInformation2

The OBRemittanceInformation2 class is defined in the payment-initiation-api-profile page.

# Domestic Scheduled Payment - Request

The OBWriteDomesticScheduled2 object will be used for a call to:

  • POST /domestic-scheduled-payments

# UML Diagram

Domestic Scheduled Payment - Request

# Notes

The domestic-scheduled-payment request object contains the:

  • ConsentId.
  • The full Initiation and Risk objects from the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent request.

The Initiation and Risk sections of the domestic-scheduled-payment request must match the Initiation and Risk sections of the corresponding domestic-scheduled-payment-consent request.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBWriteDomesticScheduled2 OBWriteDomesticScheduled2 OBWriteDomesticScheduled2
Data 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduled2/Data OBWriteDataDomesticScheduled2
ConsentId 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduled2/Data/ConsentId OB: Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the consent resource. Max128Text
Initiation 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduled2/Data/Initiation The Initiation payload is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor for a single scheduled domestic payment. OBDomesticScheduled2
Risk 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduled2/Risk The Risk section is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to specify additional details for risk scoring for Payments. OBRisk1

# Domestic Scheduled Payment - Response

The OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5 object will be used for a response to a call to:

  • POST /domestic-scheduled-payments
  • GET /domestic-scheduled-payments/{DomesticScheduledPaymentId}

# UML Diagram

Domestic Scheduled Payment - Response

# Notes

The domestic-scheduled-payment response object contains the:

  • DomesticScheduledPaymentId.
  • ConsentId.
  • CreationDateTime the domestic-scheduled-payment resource was created.
  • Status and StatusUpdateDateTime of the domestic-scheduled-payment resource.
  • ExpectedExecutionDateTime for the domestic-scheduled-payment resource.
  • ExpectedSettlementDateTime for the domestic-scheduled-payment resource.
  • Refund account details, if requested by PISP as part of the domestic-payment-consents resource.
  • Charges array - for the breakdown of applicable ASPSP charges.
  • The Initiation object from the domestic-scheduled-payment-consent.
  • The MultiAuthorisation object if the domestic-scheduled-payment resource requires multiple authorisations.
  • An ASPSP should conditionally provide Debtor/Name in the Payment Order Response, even when the Payer didn't provide the Debtor Account via PISP.

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5
Data 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data OBWriteDataDomesticScheduledResponse5
DomesticScheduledPaymentId 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/DomesticScheduledPaymentId OB: Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the domestic schedule payment resource. Max40Text
ConsentId 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/ConsentId OB: Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the consent resource. Max128Text
CreationDateTime 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/CreationDateTime Date and time at which the resource was created. ISODateTime
Status 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Status Specifies the status of the payment order resource. For a full list of enumeration values refer to ISO_External_CodeSet here (opens new window) ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code
StatusUpdateDateTime 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/StatusUpdateDateTime Date and time at which the resource status was updated. ISODateTime
StatusReason 0..* OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/StatusReason Specifies the status reason. OBStatusReason
StatusReasonCode 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/StatusReason/StatusReasonCode Specifies the status reason in a code form. For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window) OBExternalStatusReason1Code
StatusReasonDescription 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/StatusReason/StatusReasonDescription Description supporting the StatusReasonCode. Max500Text
Path 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/StatusReason/Path Recommended but optional reference to JSON path if relevant to the StatusReasonCode Max500Text
ExpectedExecutionDateTime 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/ExpectedExecutionDateTime Expected execution date and time for the payment resource. ISODateTime
ExpectedSettlementDateTime 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/ExpectedSettlementDateTime Expected settlement date and time for the payment resource. ISODateTime
Refund 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Refund Unambiguous identification of the refund account to which a refund will be made as a result of the transaction. OBDomesticRefundAccount1
Charges 0..* OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Charges Set of elements used to provide details of a charge for the payment initiation. OBCharge2
Initiation 1..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Initiation The Initiation payload is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor for a single scheduled domestic payment. OBDomesticScheduled2
MultiAuthorisation 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/MultiAuthorisation The multiple authorisation flow response from the ASPSP. OBMultiAuthorisation1
Debtor 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Debtor Set of elements used to identify a person or an organisation.
SchemeName 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Debtor/SchemeName Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. For a full list of enumeration values refer to OB_Internal_CodeSet here (opens new window). OBInternalAccountIdentification4Code
Identification 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Debtor/Identification Identification assigned by an institution to identify an account. This identification is known by the account owner. Max256Text
Name 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Debtor/Name The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level, as displayed by the ASPSP's online channels. Note, the account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account. Max350Text
SecondaryIdentification 0..1 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/Debtor/SecondaryIdentification This is secondary identification of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution. This can be used by building societies to additionally identify accounts with a roll number (in addition to a sort code and account number combination). Max34Text
RegulatoryReporting 0..10 OBWriteDomesticScheduledResponse5/Data/RegulatoryReporting Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements. OBRegulatoryReporting1

# Domestic Schedule Payment Order - Payment Details - Response

The OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1 object will be used for a response to a call to:

  • GET /domestic-scheduled-payments/{DomesticScheduledPaymentId}/payment-details

# UML Diagram

Domestic Schedule Payment Order - Payment Details - Response

# Data Dictionary

Name Occurrence XPath EnhancedDefinition Class Codes Pattern
OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1 OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1 OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1
Data 1..1 OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1/Data OBWriteDataPaymentOrderStatusResponse1
PaymentStatus 0..* OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse1/Data/PaymentStatus Payment status details. OBWritePaymentDetails1

# OBRegulatoryReporting1

The OBRegulatoryReporting1 class is defined in the payment-initiation-api-profile page.

# Usage Examples

# Create a Domestic Scheduled Payment

# POST /domestic-scheduled-payments Request
POST /domestic-scheduled-payments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA
x-idempotency-key: FRESNO.1317.GFX.22
x-jws-signature: TGlmZSdzIGEgam91cm5leSBub3QgYSBkZXN0aW5hdGlvbiA=..T2ggZ29vZCBldmVuaW5nIG1yIHR5bGVyIGdvaW5nIGRvd24gPw==
x-fapi-auth-date:  Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 GMT
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
  "Data": {
    "ConsentId": "7290",
    "Initiation": {
      "InstructionIdentification": "89f0a53a91ee47f6a383536f851d6b5a",
      "RequestedExecutionDateTime": "2018-08-06T00:00:00+00:00",
      "InstructedAmount": {
        "Amount": "200.00",
        "Currency": "GBP"
      "DebtorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "11280001234567",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "080801562314789",
        "Name": "Andrea Frost",
        "Proxy": {
          "Identification": "441234012345",
          "Code": "TELE",
          "Type": "Telephone"
      "CreditorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "08080021325698",
        "Name": "Tom Kirkman",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "0002",
        "Proxy": {
          "Identification": "+441632960540",
          "Code": "TELE",
          "Type": "Telephone"
        "AddressType": "BIZZ",
        "Department": "Finance",
        "SubDepartment": "Payroll",
        "StreetName": "Bank Street",
        "BuildingNumber": "11",
        "BuildingName": "Tower Bridges",
        "Floor": "6",
        "UnitNumber": "UNIT591",
        "Room": "844",
        "PostBox": "PO Box 123456",
        "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
        "TownName": "London",
        "DistrictName": "Greater London",
        "CareOf": "Ms Jane Smith",
        "CountrySubDivision": "England",
        "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateDebtor": {
      "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
      "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
      "Name": "Ultimate Debtor",
      "LEI": "8200007YHFDMEODY1965",
      "PostalAddress": {
          "AddressType": "BIZZ",
          "StreetName": "Bank Street",
          "BuildingNumber": "11",
          "Floor": "6",
          "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
          "TownName": "London",
          "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateCreditor": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
        "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
        "Name": "Ultimate Creditor",
        "LEI": "60450004FECVJV7YN339",
        "PostalAddress": {
            "AddressType": "BIZZ",
            "StreetName": "Bank Street",
            "BuildingNumber": "11",
            "Floor": "6",
            "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
            "TownName": "London",
            "Country": "UK"
     "RemittanceInformation": {
          "Structured": [
              "ReferredDocumentInformation": [
                  "Code": "CINV",
                  "Issuer": "Issuer01",
                  "Number": "Number_01",
                  "RelatedDate": "2024-04-25T13:26:41.911Z",
                  "LineDetails": [
              "ReferredDocumentAmount": 1,
              "CreditorReferenceInformation": {
                "Code": "DISP",
                "Issuer": "Issuer01",
                "Reference": "REF_26518"
              "Invoicer": "INVR51856",
              "Invoicee": "INVE5161856",
              "TaxRemittance": "Tax Remittance related information",
              "AdditionalRemittanceInformation": ["Free text for additional information"], 
        "Unstructured": ["Internal ops code 5120101"]
  "Risk": {
    "PaymentContextCode": "TransferToThirdParty",
    "ContractPresentIndicator": false,
    "PaymentPurposeCode": "EPAY",
    "CategoryPurposeCode": "CASH", 
    "BeneficiaryPaymentDetailsPrepopulatedIndicator": false,
    "BeneficiaryAccountType": "Business",
    "MerchantCategoryCode": "7300", 
    "MerchantCustomerIdentification": "053598653254",
    "DeliveryAddress": {
      "AddressLine": [
        "Flat 7",
        "Acacia Lodge"
      "StreetName": "Acacia Avenue",
      "BuildingNumber": "27",
      "PostCode": "GU31 2ZZ",
      "TownName": "Sparsholt",
      "CountrySubDivision": "Wessex",
      "Country": "UK"
# POST /domestic-scheduled-payments Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
x-jws-signature: V2hhdCB3ZSBnb3QgaGVyZQ0K..aXMgZmFpbHVyZSB0byBjb21tdW5pY2F0ZQ0K
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Content-Type: application/json
  "Data": {
    "DomesticScheduledPaymentId": "7290-003",
    "ConsentId": "7290",
    "Status": "RCVD",
    "StatusReason": {
      "StatusReasonCode": "U030", 
      "StatusReasonDescription":"Payment order successfully received",
    "CreationDateTime": "2018-05-05T15:15:13+00:00",
    "StatusUpdateDateTime": "2018-05-05T15:15:13+00:00",
    "ExpectedExecutionDateTime": "2018-06-05T15:15:22+00:00",
    "ExpectedSettlementDateTime": "2018-06-06T15:15:22+00:00",
    "Charges": [{
       "ChargeBearer": "Shared",
       "Type": "UK.OBIE.CHAPSOut",
       "Amount"  {
        "Amount": "0.88",
        "Currency": "GBP"
    "Debtor": {
      "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
      "Identification": "08080021325698",
      "Name": "ACME Inc",
      "SecondaryIdentification": "0002",
      "LEI": "8200007YHFDMEODY1965",
    "MultiAuthorisation": { 
      "Status": "AUTH", 
      "NumberRequired": 2,
      "NumberReceived": 2,
      "LastUpdateDateTime": "2018-06-05T15:15:13+00:00",
      "ExpirationDateTime": "2018-06-06T15:15:13+00:00",
    "Refund": {
      "Account": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "08080021325677",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "0002",
        "Name": "NTPC Inc"
    "Initiation": {
      "InstructionIdentification": "89f0a53a91ee47f6a383536f851d6b5a",
      "RequestedExecutionDateTime": "2018-08-06T00:00:00+00:00",
      "EndToEndIdentification": "FRESCO.21302.GFX.20",
      "LocalInstrument": "UK.OBIE.Paym",
      "InstructedAmount": {
        "Amount": "200.00",
        "Currency": "GBP"
      "DebtorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "11280001234567",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "0002",
        "Name": "Andrea Frost",
        "Proxy": {
          "Identification": "+441632960540",
          "Code": "TELE",
          "Type": "Telephone"
      "CreditorAccount": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
        "Identification": "08080021325698",
        "SecondaryIdentification": "08098",
        "Name": "Tom Kirkman",
        "Proxy": {
          "Identification": "+441632960540",
          "Code": "TELE",
          "Type": "Telephone"
        "AddressType": "BIZZ",
        "Department": "Finance",
        "SubDepartment": "Payroll",
        "StreetName": "Bank Street",
        "BuildingNumber": "11",
        "BuildingName": "Tower Bridges",
        "Floor": "6",
        "UnitNumber": "UNIT591",
        "Room": "844",
        "PostBox": "PO Box 123456",
        "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
        "TownName": "London",
        "DistrictName": "Greater London",
        "CareOf": "Ms Jane Smith",
        "CountrySubDivision": "England",
        "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateDebtor": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
        "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
        "Name": "Ultimate Debtor",
        "LEI": "8200007YHFDMEODY1965",
        "PostalAddress": {
            "AddressType": "BIZZ",
            "StreetName": "Bank Street",
            "BuildingNumber": "11",
            "Floor": "6",
            "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
            "TownName": "London",
            "Country": "UK"
      "UltimateCreditor": {
        "SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
        "Identification": "2360549017905161589",
        "Name": "Ultimate Creditor",
        "LEI": "60450004FECVJV7YN339",
        "PostalAddress": {
            "AddressType": "BIZZ",
            "StreetName": "Bank Street",
            "BuildingNumber": "11",
            "Floor": "6",
            "PostCode": "Z78 4TY",
            "TownName": "London",
            "Country": "UK"
      "RegulatoryReporting": [
            "DebitCreditReportingIndicator": "CRED",
            "Authority": {
              "Name": "string",
              "CountryCode": "UG"
            "Details": [
              "Type": "CRED",
              "Date": "2024-04-25T13:26:41.911Z",
              "Information": ["Reg info1", "Reg info2"],
              "Country": "QG",
              "Amount": {
                "Amount": "4.68702",
                "Currency": "JGM"
      "RemittanceInformation": {
          "Structured": [
              "ReferredDocumentInformation": [
                  "Code": "CINV",
                  "Issuer": "Issuer01",
                  "Number": "Number_01",
                  "RelatedDate": "2024-04-25T13:26:41.911Z",
                  "LineDetails": [
              "ReferredDocumentAmount": 1,
              "CreditorReferenceInformation": {
                "Code": "DISP",
                "Issuer": "Issuer01",
                "Reference": "REF_26518"
              "Invoicer": "INVR51856",
              "Invoicee": "INVE5161856",
              "TaxRemittance": "Tax Remittance related information",
              "AdditionalRemittanceInformation": ["Free text for additional information"], 
  "Links": {
    "Self": "https://api.alphabank.com/open-banking/v4.0/pisp/domestic-scheduled-payments/7290-003"
  "Meta": {}